If you are a maritime company with operations in the Central America, Panama, or Caribbean, it may be more cost effective and time saving to hire a 3rd party technical consultant rather than have your own in-house superintendent attendance. A properly accredited and experienced consultant can provide all the necessary services for the proper solution and evaluation of your vessel requirements. In addition, having an independent assessment by a professional consultant can give you peace of mind that you are making the best decision for your shipping company. Technical consultants specializing in maritime and shipping vessel management are readily available and typically have years of experience working with all types of vessels. By outsourcing this critical function to a qualified technical consultant, you can be assured that your managements and operations are being properly managed.
A reputable and experienced company like 'Chief Standards' can provide cost effective and time saving solutions for offshore vessels of all types. We offer proper solution evaluation and assessment based on years of experience in maritime shipping and vessel technical management. We also provide a full range of technical consulting services, including per-purchase evaluations, new construction supervision, dry-docking and major overhauls, performance analysis and troubleshooting.
Please contact us 24/7 info@chiefstandards.com
Global Bank Tower,18th Floor, 50th Street | Panamá, Panama
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Chief Standards LLC
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